Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Warkah Buat Bonda

Ahmad Bin Abdullah,

Syurga Firdaus,

Taman Wahyu,

Arasy Allah S.W.T


27 Rabiul Akhir 1431

Kehadapan bonda, ayahanda dan saudara-saudari Islam yang adik cintai sekalian, 

Assalamualaikum semua, apa khabar? Adik harap sihat-sihat sejahtera semuanya. Adik di sini juga sihat, semua luka-luka akibat digigit semut dan serangga kemarin sudah sembuh, para bidadari syurga yang merawat luka-luka adik. Adik sudah kembali pulih seperti biasa dan adik sudah boleh berjalan. Mungkin sebab minuman dan makanan yang dihidangkan di syurga ini yang buat adik cepat sembuh. Mereka semua di sini baik-baik belaka.

Bonda, Ayahanda, dan saudara-saudari Islam sekalian,

Pertama sekali adik ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada bonda dan ayahanda kerana telah memelihara adik selama sembilan bulan sepuluh hari di dalam kandungan bonda. Sepanjang tempoh itu, adik merasa sungguh bahagia dan selama sembilan bulan sepuluh hari inilah juga adik dapat merasakan kasih sayang daripada bonda, walaupun sekejap, cukup untuk adik kenang buat selama-lamanya. Kemuncak tanda kasih sayang bonda adalah apabila bonda membuat keputusan untuk meninggalkan adik di tepi tong sampah. Masihkah bonda ingat? Adik harap adik sudah menjadi anak yang baik sebab semasa bonda tinggalkan adik di tempat yang dipenuhi dengan serangga mencari makanan, adik tidak menangis sedikit pun. Belum sempat adik ingin menangis, malaikat Izrail datang menjemput adik dan membawa adik ke syurga bertemu Allah Azzawajalla.

Bonda, Ayahanda, dan saudara-saudari Islam sekalian,

Jangan risau tentang keadaan adik, di sini ramai kawan yang senasib dan redha dengan perbuataan bonda dan ayahanda mereka. Tidak kira bangsa mahupun warna kulit mereka senasib seperti adik. Setelah ditinggalkan, mereka lantas dijemput ke syurga, kehadiran mereka di sambut oleh para nabi, syuhada, dan para bidadari syurga. Semalam ada yang mengatakan, kini, sudah menjangkau lebih daripada 90 bayi-bayi yang senasib dengan adik. Memang kami sedih, memang kami pilu kerana ditinggal oleh bonda dan ayahanda masing-masing, tapi tak mengapa, perbuatan ayahanda dan bonda menyebabkan adik dan rakan-rakan sekalian kini berada di syurga.

Bonda dan Ayahanda,

Adik tahu, mungkin bonda tidak mengerti dan tidak memahami kepentingan seorang anak dalam keluarga dan adik tahu bonda akan berasa malu dan keberatan untuk menjaga adik. Mungkin bonda fikir walaupun adik masih hidup dan dijaga, tetapi masyarakat sudah tentu tidak akan menerima adik dan akan membenci dan menghina adik. Sebab itulah bonda membuang adik kan?? Hati bonda suci tapi sucikah sifat bonda yang sanggup membuang adik? Adik tahu kini, mungkin ayahanda sudah pergi meninggalkan bonda keseorangan.


Bonda berseronok dengan keseronokan dunia tetapi tahukah bonda bahawa adik lagi seronok dan bahagia bersama ahli-ahli syurga dan para malaikat yang tidak putus-putus mendidik dan menjaga adik. Adik faham bonda tertekan apabila ayahanda mula melarikan diri dan berjauhan serta tidak mengaku bahawa kandungan itu adalah hak dan tanggungannya. Mungkin salah adik yang membebankan jiwa dan perasaan bonda. Seperti marahkan nyamuk seekor tetapi kelambu dibakar. Adik bukan nyamuk bonda, adik bukan binatang, adik manusia yang dahagakan kasih sayang dan belaian manja seorang bonda dan ayahanda tercinta.

Adik takut, adik gerun, adik sedih mendengar segala jeritan yang datangnya dari neraka jahanam, setiap hari mereka di seksa oleh malaikat. Adik bertanya apakah kesalahan mereka, para bidadari menjawab itulah balasan dosa mereka. Para bidadari juga ada berkata, Allah S.W.T berfirman dalam surah an-nisa ayat 93, “Dan barang siapa membunuh seorang yang beriman dengan sengaja, maka balasannya ialah neraka Jahanam, dia kekal di dalamnya. Allah murka kepadanya, dan melaknatnya serta menyediakan azab yang berat baginya”. Tambah para bidadari lagi, hukuman di dunia juga akan diberatkan kepada pesalah seperti bonda. Tetapi adik tidak risau kerana adik tahu bonda mungkin sedang bersembunyi di rumah dan tidak akan ditangkap oleh pihak berkuasa. Cuma yang adik takutkan, semua hukuman yang menanti bonda di akhirat kelak. Tetapi usah gusar bonda, adik sentiasa mendoakan agar bonda diampunkan oleh Allah dan Allah akan sentiasa menerima taubat nasuha bonda.


Adik cinta bonda, tetapi cinta bonda pada perkara yang membuat bonda sendiri merana dan terseksa. Bonda sedarlah! Bonda boleh menjadi seorang ibu yang baik. Bonda dilahirkan dengan hati yang bersih. Janganlah bonda kotorkan dengan perkara yang memudaratkan diri bonda. Hukuman yang bakal bonda hadapi tidak memadai dengan apa yang bakal bonda rasai di ukhrawi. Adik sayang bonda. Adik harap bonda akan menyesal dengan apa yang telah bonda lakukan. Bonda, jalinkanlah ikatan yang sah dengan orang yang boleh menjaga dan membimbing bonda ke jalan yang benar. Mudah-mudahan bonda akan memperoleh kehidupan baru bersama zuriat yang halal. Adik berharap bonda akan menjaga zuriat bonda nanti dengan sebaik mungkin, sehingga dia menjadi anak yang berguna kepada bonda.

Yang benar,
Ahmad bin Abdullah
(Ahli Syurga).

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


“How a selected leader should not reject a good position if he (the potential leader) has the ability to lead compare to others”.
(Hadeeth Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.)
The hadeeth had bring Yang Amat Berhormat Tuan Guru Dato’ Haji Nik Abdul Aziz bin Nik Mat into a decision to accept the Kelantan’s PAS Commissioner post when he refused to do so at first.

Nik Abduk Aziz Bin Nik Mat was born in 1931 at Pulau Melaka, a village located about 7km from Kota Bharu town. His father, the late Tok Guru Haji Nik Mat Bin Raja Banjar is a famous Islamic Scholar at that time. Haji Nik Mat really serious about his son’s Islamic education and this is one of the factor that contributed to the style of leadership perform by Tok Guru Nik Aziz.

In addition, Tok Guru Nik Aziz had been sent to learn Islamic knowledge from To Khurasan, one of the most famous ‘Guru’ in Kelantan and Jertih, Terengganu with the late Tuan Guru Haji Abbas Haji Ahmad at Madrasah Ittifaqiah.

After five years studied at that school, in 1952, Tok Guru Nik Aziz went to India to further his study at the Deoband Darul Ulum in India for five years. From India, he continued his Islamic education at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt and he managed to pass and finish his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Art in Islamic Law only in four years. Tok Guru Nik Aziz came back to Malaysia in 1962. He can speak a few foreign languages such as Arabic, English, Tamil, and Urdu.

Tok Guru Nik Aziz seriously joined the Parti Islam Semalaysia or PAS after resigned as the adult teacher. After a few months, he had been offer as the candidate for by-election for Pengkalan Chepa parliamentary seat. He has won the by-election at Pengkalan Chepa parliamentary seat from the year 1967 until 1986, when he then been transfer to another parliamentary seat in Bachok, Kelantan. He was elected as the Central Ulamak Council Chief in the year 1986 until now, which gives him authority to advice all matters pertaining to Islamic faced by the party and the followers.

Tok Guru Nik Aziz has been appointed as the 5th Chief Minister of Kelantan Darul Naim on 22nd October 1990. As an emerging and transformational leader, Tok Guru Nik Aziz has cut off 40% of his salary to be given to the savings of Kelantan PAS.

Moreover, he did not accept any allowance provided for him during Hari Raya. He also had warned all the elected exco and state assembly members to reject any prize given to them. He felt that the prize given can be considered as misconduct or bribery that could led to corruption.

His advocacy of Islamic Syariah Law to all Malay Muslims has however drawn to critism, as did his suggestion that women would be at lower risk of being rape if they abandoned their lipstick and perfume. He also banned on the game of snooker for 15 years in Kelantan. Kelantan is a State with no cinemas. This desire to be seen as different also extends to politics. Nevertheless, creative tension emerges when Nik Aziz rejects the idea of communal separation because of ethnicity or locality.

Kelantan’s citizen are be blesses by Allah due to their clear and absolute acceptance of one and only creator, Allah s.w.t.. In several states, there are people who burned out the church but in Kelantan, there are no disturbances like what had happened. It will not and never happened in Kelantan due to Kelantan’s citizen that practicing a lifestyle that are based on religion which successfully instill the understanding between the race and religion. Indeed, since Kelantan was governed with the doctrine of ‘Developing with Islam’, it has lead to harmony among the layers of folks in the village, estate, town, and city.

“He did not have to raise his voice; the 79-year-old is a skilled orator who makes people want to stay quieter in case they miss something”, quoted from Amir Muhammad who is the writer that attended a ‘live’ talk by Nik Aziz that see Nik Aziz in a different way from his previous thought.

Moreover, according to Amir, Tok Guru Nik Aziz gifted is his ability to talk about politics and religions and he belongs firmly in the camp of those who do not ostensibly separate between the two in images that are rooted in everyday lived experience.

Therefore, Yang Amat Berhormat Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat has never seemed to be mere politician, but the embodiment of a certain hope and dignity. He is the one that give us opportunity to differentiate the morality in Developing with Islam.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Vaseline Intensive Care 100% Pure Petroleum Jelly: It Care and Cure !

You feel worry when meeting with someone as you are having a problem on one part of your face. It looks dry and dull. You are wondering on how you can turn the dryness into a fresh look and the dullness into a natural lips. Which part of your face will you take most considerations when dealing and talking with people? I answered, lips. Maybe not all feel the same but our lips play important role in our daily conversation. Remember that you are using it for almost every second, every minute, every moment and of course for your entire life. While you are talking with your friends, lecturers, clients, family members and so on. As to gain confidence when you are conversing with people and for your own comfort. However, do you really care enough or just take it for granted on your lips care? Everyone should know on how to take a very good care on your lips as you wish to maintain the freshness and healthy look of your lips. 

Especially for those who spent most of the time in the air-conditioned or cold place, do we notice that our lips will easily get dehydrated and dull? Or for those who experiencing almost much of their time with the lips that hurt because of the dry and hot weather? Or you are the type who do not get use of drinking glasses and glasses of plain water every day? Those routine are actually will make you expose to the possibilities of the dryness that may lead to a chap on your lips. 

I did experience the same thing previously. I do not really drink a lot of plain water every day and I spent most of my time in air-conditioned and dry place. My lips easily get dry and I feel uneasy with the conditions of my lips. I like to hurt my lips by pulling out the chapped on my lips and it will bleed. I was worried and I tried to figure out the best way to cure or to have the best treatment for my lips. I had been trying to use many of lip care products before but it seems like nothing much change and it did not really works on my lips. My mother had recommended me to use a Vaseline Intensive Care that made up from 100% of pure petroleum jelly. At first, I refused to do so but I did try. And guess what? It 99.9% works! 

 Vaseline Intensive Care 100% Pure Petroleum Jelly

It’s Proven!
The product solves my problem immediately and I do not have to worry of having chap lips anymore. It moistens my lips and it keeps my lips fresh for hours especially when I am in the class or at any air-conditioned place. For your information, this Vaseline Intensive Care not only for your lips but it also work to soften any rough spots on your skin. You can apply onto discomfort area of your skin and to other dry part such as your hand, elbow, knee and feet.

Product Review from the User
Item used: Vaseline Intensive Care 100% Pure Petroleum Jelly
User: Erna
 Vaseline Intensive Care Petroleum Jelly is a very useful product for me that’s why I always stock up on this at home and bring it with me when traveling. It is also one of my favorite beauty essentials. I use it especially as a lubricant for my lips when they are dry and chapped. Sometimes, I apply Vaseline on my nails to help keep it beautiful. It serves as an amazing moisturizer for me that’s why I apply the product liberally on dry areas such as my feet every night, before I wear socks to seal and lock in moisture. The next morning, I would instantly see that this product really does wonders to my feet. I have naturally oily skin, that’s why I don’t really have to use the product on my face. My sister, who have combination skin, applies Vaseline and lets it stay overnight on her face. I could also see beautiful results on her skin. Another thing I have recently discovered about Vaseline Intensive Care Petroleum Jelly is that it aids in fast relief and healing of some insect bites. I just directly apply and rub the product on the affected areas and let it stay. In my experience, this product helps reduce itchiness and also helped me not to have any unsightly marks on my skin caused by the insect bites. Vaseline Intensive Care Petroleum Jelly is safe and doesn’t contain any harmful ingredients that I use it even on my 10 month old daughter. It is more expensive than other brands of petroleum jelly but I still keep buying it because I trust the brand.  
 (Quoted from review of Vaseline Intensive Care Petroleum Jelly; www.reviewstream.com)  

DO and DON’T
What I do Like of this Vaseline Intensive Care Petroleum Jelly is it really gains lots of benefits to almost every users and it is easy to carry and we can simply grab and buy the product at every nearest pharmacies such as Watson, Guardian, Care and many more. The price is also affordable.
However, what I do not really like when using the Vaseline Intensive Care Petroleum Jelly is the product is quite greasy. Sometimes, it may look oily when you apply more than you should. Although the greasy thing makes you feel a bit uncomfortable but from my view, as long as it can cure your discomfort effectively and smoothly, I am sure it is just fine.
So, what do you think? Make a worthwhile decision now. Do it now or you will regret later. If you still refuse, ask yourself, would you buy an expensive product but end up with unsatisfied feeling? And when you use the product, it does not work according to what you wish to. I am sure you will say NO to those questions. Thus, choose Vaseline Intensive Care with no doubt.
It Care and it Cure!
Buy it! Try! Apply it Every day! You will not lose anything but you will lose something if you do not give a try! It is 100% safe and pure.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


My short name is Mimi. My full name is Aminah Munirah bt Ahmad Hishamuddin. People used to call me ‘Mimi’ since I was baby. My father had actually given that nickname when I was in my mother’s belly. I was born in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Kelantan, onset of the night on April 11, 1990. I would love to fill my pastime with many kind of activities like chit chatting, hanging out with my friends, shopping, singing and sometimes, I do like to have an intrapersonal communication within myself. I will express my thoughts and feelings through a poem on a piece of paper. I will write about anything, love, friendship, appreciation and many others. I usually write those poems when I feel lonely and need something to do as to fill up my empty heart. Honestly, I do always feel lonely and had no place to go when I am not with my friends and away from my family members. Nevertheless, the best medicine I took and the best thing I would do is I will starts my everyday life with a SMILE. YES, it works! No matter what is in your mind, no matter hurt you are, SMILE is the easiest and significance thing you should do before you start messing out your mind with many negative thoughts.

My dearest best friends

FYI, I don’t write a blog before and I won’t write a blog until I had my ‘Writing and Thinking’ class a few weeks ago. Thanks to our lecturer, Miss Mimi for giving this golden and bright opportunity to her students to have a blog, write a blog, technically do our assignments on the web blog, and obviously, be a BLOGGER.

My blog intention is all about sharing knowledge, thoughts and beliefs. It is for people to distribute their opinion and for me to provide a valuable information. Through my blog, I wish I can give fun and enjoyable moment to the reader but still, I can maintain the well-organized information from the trustful sources.

I had chosen an “Odyssey Erudition” for my blog title. I found the ‘Odyssey’ word when I flipped through my dictionary to look for the best word to be used for my title. I think it suit and it will give some attraction to the readers. ‘Odyssey’ means a long eventful journey. I am hoping that readers will have an exciting moment while visiting my blog and can gain an interesting knowledge and experience from the blog. I looked for a ‘knowledge’ word because I know my blog will stress out more on the knowledge element. Therefore, I choose the ‘erudition’ which synonymous to the word ‘knowledge’. As from my belief, it sounds good and suitable for the objective of my blog in which to provide as much knowledge as I can and bring some changes on people thoughts and experiences. ‘Erudition’ comes from the word erudite, which means learned. So, I am expecting people to learn and get to know an useful knowledge from the “Odyssey Erudition” blog. Thank you.

Monday, January 25, 2010


knowledge is something that we learnt or experience...
it makes people wonder...
it makes people dream...
it makes people think...
it makes people share...
it makes people as a people...
wonder what your dream is..
dream on what u think..
think on what u gonna share..
share your experience and gain the knowledge....
that's what people do.....